Monday, May 12, 2008

The wait is over

Well, there it is. Grace picked up our building permit on Monday afternoon. You might have thought that I would have run to the computer right away and posted about it - but it's somewhat daunting. As I go through the thing it strikes me that I'm a bit like a dog that chases cars - once he catches one what's he gonna do with it? So we've got this permit, now what? For starters, I suppose we have to find somebody who knows something about excavation and footings and foundations. I'm pretty sure that Grace has some leads in that regard.

As I pore over the gibberish of the permit and try to decipher all of the illegible red ink stamps and decode the garish green stickers that our bureaucratic friends have liberally splattered all over our carefully drawn up plans I'm a little overwhelmed. At first glance it would seem that about 74 more layers of difficulty have been tacked on to our addition. We looked it over last night - it's mind boggling; especially if you're not used to doing this kind of stuff. But then we settled down, had a beer, and things began to make sense. Instead of looking at the whole thing in a jumble all at once - we began (somewhat) systematically picking through the thing. We matched up code reference numbers in red ink stamps and on green stickers to code numbers in the little code booklet that came with our package. I still don't understand it all but I'm almost certain that this is the way we've been making and remaking stuff all along. Apparently one of the first things I have to do is make an ugly sign with our house number on it. The numbers must be at least three inches tall and be easily readable from the road. I can do that...


Anonymous said...

I have no doubt you can do it, but how long will it take you?

Anonymous said...

Miller beer? Hmmm...WWGS?? (What Would Grissom Say?)

Al said...

Michelle; it will take as long as it takes - as long as we get it done within a year... yikes!

Al said...

Mr. Scotus; Miller is my post-work beer of choice (unless something else is cheaper at the IGA). I was thinking of Gris, and was on the verge of blotting out the can, but - I gotta be me...

Anonymous said...

What nice pictures!
I told you to move the beer!

Al said...

be quiet, photographer kid.

Anonymous said...

Got that sign up yet?

Randy Vermeer said...

When you are all done (and are an old man), I need shingles on my house. Any additional thots on that?

Al said...

M; still no sign - I want to get it just right...
R, AM, & fam.; I've actually got some reroofing of my own to do. Do yours yourself and then you can give me some pointers.

Anonymous said...

You need a new post!
come on!

Al said...

I know - but I have a life outside of DIY home renovations & construction. Work, etc. interferes with making on-going addition progress. Thanks for the encouragement though. Soon...