Saturday, May 3, 2008

On finishing projects

This morning, while we continued to wait for our building permit, my wife and I reviewed the photo album which chronicles all that we've accomplished on our humble abode thus far. Everytime we came to the end of a section I heard this refrain echoing in my head "we still have to finish this or that little detail." It's true. We're great idea people. We're super, full of energy starters but we suck at actually bringing projects all the way to completion. Mind you, as a rule, the things left to do are fairly minor and visitors might not even notice them but the unfinished things are there. They taunt us and dare us to tackle them. Generally we are pretty good at just ignoring their tauntings and darings but once in a great while, we say, "Enough already! You're going down, little unfinished detail!"

Today I set myself to finishing our barn. Well, OK - not "finishing" per se but at least getting one of the biggest unfinished details out of the way. I had to get electricity out there. I've known how I was going to do this for a while but never found the energy for it (mainly because it involved digging a 25 foot long 18 inch deep trench. Last week, while I was tearing down the chimney and fighting off bats, I had my son and his friend dig the trench for me. Today I went to my friendly neighborhood hardware store, purchased 75 feet of direct bury cable, spliced it on to the existing cable and got all the way to the barn.

I had to fill in the trench afterwards so I dumped a bunch of the chimney bricks in it. I also threw some beer cans (empty), and some dog poop in there. To quote one of my favorite philosophers/theologians Mr. T, "I pity da fool" who has to do an archeological assessment on that area. Indiana Jones is in for a big surprise if he sinks his 4x4x24 hole in the wrong spot.

But I digress. We still don't have power to the barn but it's close. (I need some parts yet and, mercifully, my friendly neighborhood hardware store closes at noon on Saturdays). I might take Monday off and then I'm sure I can get it done. Then I might finish some of those other things (but probably not...) Seriously though, if we're going to do this whole addition thing, we've got to learn how to complete a task.

This is our barn. You can't tell from the picture that it doesn't have electricity but even I can see at least three things that need to be done yet. If you can find them, you might win a fabulous prize!


Anonymous said...

Ok, here are my three guesses:
1.) Evestrough
2.) Gate at the end of the fenced area
3.) Concrete pad/ramp in front of the sliding door.

Oh yea, if you need more backfill (dog-poop) for your trench, let me know.

Al said...

only #1 is right. #2 is not really part of the barn (although it is unfinished). as for #3, there actually are pads in front of both doors. Thanks for playing - we have some lovely parting gifts for you.

As to your kind offer of more fill - thanks but I'm good; we have three dogs; there is no shortage of dog poop around here.

Anonymous said...

#2--You need to close the barn door; it's snowing outside, for crying out loud!

#3--You're a little old for the little red wagon, Al. You need to get rid of that.

Al said...

John, John, John. you couldn't be more wrong! you're not even playing the game right! But to put your city-fied mind at ease, I shall explain - the wagon is being used as a makeshift feeder for our lambs. (I haven't used it in months.) The barn door is open because that's how the animals get in and out of the barn.

For your sorry efforts, you should give me a prize...

Anonymous said...

First off, how come no one told me you had a blog? My OTHER brother just filled me in the other day! (this goes back to the no one ever takes my plate theory...oh, the emotional scars this has caused)

Ok, so we know about the eavestrough. How about that weather vane? Is it securely fastened to the top of that barn? Oh and you could stand a little touch up on the white trim....

I can only donate hamster poop for your trenches...that may take a while to accumulate.
Hopefully, by the time we come visit you will have the new addition complete. We have no plans to do this by the way, so no worries...
Love always, Your favorite sister
(that's Michelle, not Benji)

Al said...

Funny you should mention the weather vane, it's not an 'unfinished' item (so no prize for you.) It was however the inspiration for the whole barn renovation... It's a long and sordid tale that I might relate on some rainy day.

As to your threat to visit us - by the time we're done everything all of your kids will be grown and have kids of their own; so we will just have to find room for two of you.

One more thing - you're close to a RULE 2 violation. Consider yourself warned.

Rick said...

Hey Al,
Great looking barn!!

Can i play too?

I will guess you need to install some nice looking white trim over the door tracks.

I might be tough to flash it correctly now but it would look cool.

Me and Griss are thinking of heading up to the North Fork for some Brew this friday nite. Are you up for it?

Al said...

Way go go Rick! I was just about to close the contest since I mentioned some of the things in the next post - but you picked up on the missing flashing above the door track. I've got that all planned out; I'm going to use the break & shear at work to make some custom pieces out of a sheet of aluminum.

As to your kind invite. What time will you be picking me up?