Saturday, July 19, 2008

Walls (part 1)

You would think that two reasonably intelligent people could figure out where the studs for a wall would have to be situated so that the exterior sheathing would meet up properly at the seams. If you thought that then you weren't thinking of Grace and me... We thought we were home free when we discovered how tall the studs would have to be. We cut a bunch of 2x6's to length, laid out a bottom plate, measured and marked the plate so that we could nail the studs on, figured out that we'd done it wrong, scribbled over the marks, remeasured and remarked, rediscovered that we'd missed again.... Our bottom plate looks like some insane, pencil wielding graffiti artist sabotaged our project. Eventually we got it right - for one wall. Then we repeated the process for the next two walls. Grace hauled out her trusty clipboard and calculator and saved the day.

Below you can see the west wall of the addition laying down on the subfloor. Once we get the sheathing on we will stand it up, brace it, and nail it in place. We also had to figure out exactly where the bathroom and closet were going to be. We had to make the bathroom a little bigger than the plan since we are going to put our jetted tub in there. (Thankfully we never really finished the bathroom in the suite so it won't be too hard to get it out of there and into the addition. Score one for procrastination!)

Determining where the windows went along with all of the accompanying extra lumber that goes into installing a window properly took a little time too. Grace and I are standing in our bathroom window in the picture.

Just another Saturday...

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