Thursday, March 4, 2010

Bedroom floor (part 1)

Today we undertook to get a proper floor in our new bedroom. Grace and I both had today and Friday off; she had picked up some laminate flooring last week and so there was nothing left to do but install it. There was actually something fairly important to do prior to installing the flooring. We had to find the subfloor. Witness the picture below. That's not a set up shot. That's several months' accumulation of tools, supplies, etc. which we never really quite cleaned up.
After several hours things looked like this. That's the subfloor. We hadn't seen it for a long time. It had lots of blobs of drywall mud and mounds of concentrated paint all over. After chipping and scraping for a long time we got things to the point where we could lay our flooring down properly.
We actually managed to put the bulk of the floor in today. I don't have any pictures yet but it looks great!

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