Saturday, February 13, 2010

Trimming windows

I started trimming windows on Friday morning. I suffered a setback when I discovered that the manufacturers of the tape measure I was using were unfamiliar with the imperial system of measurement. (Apparently they had never heard of the metric system either.) Once I figured out how to convert drevnergysies into inches I was on my way. Unfortunately I had already cut up quite a bit of trim by that time. The sum total of my efforts for Friday - one window trimmed up and a lot of kindling for the wood stove.

Today went better. I found a real, American-made tape measure and got the rest of them trimmed up in no time at all.

I remember when we renovated our living room many years ago that it seemed like we were getting nowhere until we trimmed the windows and suddenly it looked as if we were almost finished. And then it was only a short six months or so before we were done... We should be able to do better with the addition. Time will tell.

1 comment:

amy said...

It's hard to get far when you have to break for some hoe-down action.
You guys are doing great, if you scroll down the blog it seems like it has taken no time at all!