Saturday, October 31, 2009

more insulation...

Last week found us in the attic of the addition hurling bats of R38 insulation around. Yesterday I placed them in their proper positions and, just like that, it looked like we had made all kinds of progress!

Not ones to rest on our laurels, this morning (and afternoon) found us in the crawl space under the addition inserting bats of R30 insulation between the floor joists.

Once we had accomplished that task, we went inside the addition and stuck bats of R21 insulation in between the wall studs. Then we got sick of it and quit before finishing it off...

We are dirty. Our skin itches and our eyes burn. It's time for a shower. All in all a good day.


Randy Vermeer said...

I am just so impressed with your building skills and even more impressed with the frequency of your blog posts of late.

Al said...

yeah, we'll actually get this thing done if we keep going at this rate...