Saturday, January 16, 2010


The texturing of the bedroom and closet is finished! In spite of what the pictures seem to imply, the bulk of it was done by someone else. A friend from work came over yesterday and textured the whole closet and the bedroom walls, but then we ran out of texture (and we came dangerously close to running out of beer since another friend from work came over too...). We finished off the ceiling this morning and it looks great. The look we went for was a favorite of ours, the ever popular "however it came out" and we nailed it!

The bathroom wasn't quite ready so we hope to finish that early next week.

Here's a picture of Grace scraping the last of the mud into the hopper. We mixed just enough to do the ceiling.

And here's one of me spraying the stuff on to the ceiling.
Kind of a cool process...

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