Saturday, March 21, 2009

Back to the addition...

Spring is officially here; and since that's the case we figured that we had better get going on the addition again. So today (even though it was only 32 degrees this morning), we repaired our torn and sagging Tyvek and installed some exterior siding. It felt good to work on the addition again - especially once it warmed up to over 50 in the afternoon. It's nice doing siding because you cover a lot of square feet in a relatively short period of time ( - makes it look like you've really accomplished a lot!) And so after a hiatus of almost four months, we present to you once again (insert drumroll) - the addition!


Teresa said...

Looks great, we have been taking the winter off also, Travis did do a little trim work today, YAH!

Joyce said...

It's lookin' good!