Saturday, August 23, 2008

...and so on...

Here are some pictures of us getting the last of the sheathing on to the gable wall of the addition. It was kind of a long way up and the 4x8 sheets were kind of awkward so we conscripted Sara and Paige to help. As you can see, the weather was beautiful. This shot shows us waiting for Grace to tie lines to either end of the sheet so that we could pull it up, then I would lean out and stick a couple of nails in it in order to hold it in place.

The next shot shows the sheet in place and I am slipping the line off of one side prior to nailing. If you look closely you can see a bunch of hands holding the sheet up.
We got the whole gable end covered and after Grace went to work I trimmed the sheets to size with the reciprocating saw. It looks good.

Next week we tackle the roof.

On a side note, Erin came over today and remarked that the addition looked way better in real life than on the internet...


Randy Vermeer said...

It's amazing how you can take a picture like that and not get any of the safety harnesses or tie off lines in the picture. Did you photoshop those out?

Al said...

Our safety measures far exceed industry standards; they mainly consist of Grace yelling at us to be careful. We all know enough to listen to Grace...