Thursday, June 19, 2008


Our foundation is poured and we are, for all intents and purposes, on our own. The main problem now is that things haven't quite progressed to the point where we feel a great deal of confidence in our abilities...

The foundation was poured on Tuesday and we stripped the forms on Wednesday afternoon. I told the contractor we would take the forms down; I didn't know how much work that was going to be. Everybody pitched in and we were done in about three hours or so. It went all right - with the exception of snapping a 2x4 which I was using as a lever to loosen one of the form boards. It broke; I went head over heels to the bottom of the stem wall. I think I hit every stray rock, board, and leftover chunk of concrete during the course of my fall. Thankfully, I only ended up with a scraped up elbow and an oddly shaped bruise on my left butt cheek. I was kind of stiff at work today but I got through it. Hopefully this isn't a portent of things to come in regard to this project.

There's Grace (and Norman of course - Riley's there too). I'm inside the foundation. This is a prelapsarian picture - my elbow and buttock are intact at this point.

So now the forms are all down. The contractor has collected them. Grace has called B&P about foundation sealant and drainage. If it doesn't rain tomorrow she will brush the sealant on - then we'll do the whole drainage thing and some back filling on Saturday.

I can't wait until we get to deal with lumber and nails and things...


Anonymous said...

Will not comment....must not break rule #2.....must resist.

Al said...

Way to resist; much appreciated!

Anonymous said...

I'm shocked to find that there is now photographic evidence of your butt cheek bruise, I thought for sure there would be one posted

Al said...

I'll just assume you meant "no photographic evidence". Yeah, this a G-rated blog...

Randy Vermeer said...

Is that bruise anywhere near your (world famo[u]s) party scar??

Al said...

it's in the general vicinity... the bruise has healed; but I'm scarred for life...